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A.M.P - For The Switched On Practice

The Ultimate Package for Authentic Practice Growth.

Align. Mindset. Prosper.

This is for the whole team and includes every service I provide. Practice Management Support, Chiropractic Assistant Mentoring and coaching for you the Chiropractor.

Designed to deliver the bespoke resources you and the team need to achieve outstanding results in every area of the practice.

A.M.P For The Switched On Practice

Is suitable for Chiropractors who are new to owning their own business. And for the more established practice that is stalling in it’s growth, maybe has HR issues/other longstanding problems. 

As with all my services this is fully bespoke and is careful crafted to support you in achieving your goals. 

Serious about Practice Growth, tired of chasing the next shiny thing that may help you and your team yet nothing is working? 

Overwhelmed by all the things that need your attention NOW! I’m here to take the strain, the weight from your shoulders and support, train and mentor you and the team to put in place systems, procedures and routines that actually work, without compromising your values.

Limited places for this very special service. Fully bespoke services covering;

Creating and overhauling all protocols, systems, scripts, routines, lead generation, marketing to bring fully alive your big bold vision for your Chiropractic business. 

Align every aspect of your practice with your vision, mission and values to create Authentic Growth.

Working with the whole team, including the Chiropractor/business owner to create a confident, action taking, resilient team with a mindset for success. A team that will take the practice to a very successful future. Covering everything from mindset, to selling and communication skills and more.

Prosper is where it all comes together with focus on the K.P.I’s, targets, creating an outstanding level of customer service that has your practice members turning into raving fans. This all starts with the creation of a robust success plan which details the plans and actions for every aspect of your chiropractic clinic growth.

Limited places for this very special service. 

These are just a few of the services and areas of focus within  A.M.P For the Switched On Practice.


  • Taking the vision and goals of the Chiropractor and writing the practice Success Plan, which includes the marketing strategy, all goals and targets, laid out in a year, quarter month. 


  • Business support for the Chiropractor. Future focussed planning. Creating a 5 star practice member experience. Presenting ideas for growth and development.


  • Completion of all statistics, liaising with accountant to work on profitability of business.


  • Manage teams workload, assist where needed and be their accountability partner.


  • Team  management. Reviews. Up dating contracts. Holiday requests. HR issues (liaise with HR advisor where needed). 


  • Full recruitment service. Includes writing the advert for Indeed and other sites, managing the recruitment process including first stage interviews and organising face to face interviews for the pre-selected candidates. Recruitment for CA’s massage therapists and practice managers is standard. Support provided for recruiting Chiropractors.


  • Organise, plan and hold team meetings with a schedule that suits the needs of the clinic.


  • Complete Standard Operating Procedures for all tasks, including telephone scripts, schedules and scripts for communicating with recalls and leads.


  • Prepare, review, evaluate all handbooks, manuals and protocols.


  • Work with outside resources such as website designer, social media manager, content creator to bring to life the vision, values and goals of the practice.


  • Researching products, locating personal items, booking trips etc.


  • To build the confidence of the CA in their current role. Focussing on diary management, communication skills, daily/weekly routine. Including contacting new leads, completing recalls successfully and with ease.


  • Build the skill level of the CA to enable them to take on more responsibility such as completing the business statistics, taking the lead CA role, becoming the practice manager, forward planning and organisational skills.


  • Develop their skills in handling objections, re-framing care plans and how to get back into the right state after a difficult conversation.


  • How to successfully sell pre paid care packages without feeling sleazy.


  • Create a five star practice member experience that exceeds your members expectations. Body language and quickly establishing rapport with practice members.


  • Coaching for the Chiropractor. With a focus on improving relationships with practice members, improving the take up of pre paid packages and educating practice members to move into lifelong care.

As with all my services this is bespoke and carefully tailored to you, your team and the business needs. There are limited places for this service due to the amount of energy and time  I pour into each client. 

There are times when I have to put a wait list in place for this and my other services. Giving lots of value and providing you and my other clients with the greatest level of service is more important to me than taking your money and delivering just enough. 

Find out more, book your complimentary consultation

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